Your Personal Mentor
As a Data Science Mentor & Career Consultant, Shekhar trains Data enthusiasts to learn & progress in their personal goals and ultimately, make an impact in the field of Data Analytics, BI & Engineering.
He is into writng code and building software for almost a decade.
Most of his former students are employed as Junior Data Analysts, BI Analysts, Data Engineers, and Data Sc. Consultant, Product Consultant, Marketing Analyst, and other data-driven roles in the DACH region.
Shekhar has worked as a software engineer, data scientist, data engineer and builds software for data driven projects.
Currently, he is also supporting enterprises and universities to use data efficiently.
Build Streamlined GenAI solution for complicated Business & Research problems.
Drive growth and efficiency in your organisation.
Perform Requirement & Impact Analysis of Analytics & AI Projects.
Receive end-to-end software lifecycle support.
Launch your customised LLM application in a week!
Experience reliability and quality.
Get industry exposure while applied learning.
Personalized guidance for individual needs to meet objectives.
Measure progress and receive fast feedback.
Be part of a holistic development plan from a data novice to a data pro.
Fast-paced structured guidance.
Our community of Learners
Learning is a never-ending journey and we promote our past and future students who help each other to build a community of data enthusiasts.
Shekhar helped me extend my knowledge of machine learning fundamentals to be able to apply it to problems in financial markets. I also learned some DevOps concepts I wasn’t aware of before and ultimately landed my dream job as a software developer at an investment bank in London. I can only recommend him and his team.
Shekhar is an excellent mentor for anyone who wants to claim professional advice on professional development tasks. Shekhar is highly competent and extremely friendly. He provides a good map of the IT professional world and the necessary professional skills, and thus allows a differentiated assessment of their own professional interests. In addition, there is the possibility to be actively supported in the development and deepening of these competencies and to be prepared for the IT job market in a targeted manner. An absolute recommendation for 'technophiles' and all those who want to become one!
Programmieren stellt oft für Neulinge aber auch Fortgeschrittene eine Hürde dar, vor allem durch abstrakte Syntax oder Logik.Ich bin fest davon überzeugt, dass Shekhar einer der besten Mentoren für Menschen ist, die in diesem Bereich lernen wollen.
Da sich die Berufswelt mehr und mehr in den digitalen Bereich verlagert, halte ich eine Ausbildung in diesem Bereich heutzutage für nahezu unverzichtbar. Vor allem, um sich in vielen Bereichen behaupten zu können und vor allem wegen der immer stärkeren Automatisierung vieler Arbeitsprozesse.
Shekhars Unterrichtskonzept ist verblüffend effektiv:
1. Die Projekte orientieren sich konkret an den Erfordernissen vieler Branchen, indem z. B. E-Commerce-Fragestellungen mit aktuellster Technikvermittlung verbunden werden.
2. Obwohl im selben Kurs, werden alle Kursteilnehmer:innen ganz individuell gefördert und betreut. Shekhar vermag es aufgrund seiner eigenen umfangreichen Berufserfahrung, Menschen mit den unterschiedlichsten beruflichen Historien aus den verschiedensten Ländern optimal zu unterstützen.
3. Das selbständige Lernen wird gefördert und damit genau das, was man im Data-Science-Job am dringensten braucht.
4. Shekhar hilft aktiv in der Vorbereitung für Bewerbungen und steht auf Wunsch auch nach Beendigung des Kurses zur Seite.
In wenigen Monaten habe ich von einem unglaublich freundlichen Menschen unfassbar viel gelernt. Ich hätte mir keinen besseren Lehrer wünschen können als Shekhar.
I am very grateful to have Shekhar as my mentor. Not only does he help with Data Science questions and projects technically very well, he can also explain well. He is absolutely flexible and has a very friendly approach. I can definitely recommend Shekhar to others!